Goal: Have the most points at the end of 2 rounds

Shoot number cards at your opponent to try and bust their face cards.

Any face card with a value over 21 will bust and be eliminated.

You may move your face cards before an attack to optimize your hits and avoid getting busted.

Remember that only your front-most face cards will take hits.

Face cards that are frozen or at 21 will be immune to hits, but cannot be moved.

A round ends when both players run out of cards, or if there are no more moveable face cards.

Music Credit: https://opengameart.org/content/casino-man


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This game is really sick. At first glance there seems to be a lot of tactical depth to the game and I absolutely love that, especially considering both you and your opponent are exposed to the same information. I realize you could also play this game in-person with a real deck of cards, and that’s really neat. And you really retained a lot of elements from the original game – you’ve turned a horribly boring and fixed (and solved) game into something that requires real thought.

For now, I’ll leave you with my current comments and gripes. However, when I have more time, I definitely want to think more deeply about the tactical part of this game to give my more informed opinion of it.


  • Fantastic artwork. You seemed to pick a retro style, which is perfect because it means your artwork doesn’t have to be complicated, and so the simplicity really shines.
  • However, there are a few objects in the game that don’t really match the art style: the chalkboard (not just that its a chalkboard, but that the border looks like it was a transparent PNG slapped over the game), the brown of the table, and the wall. Other than that, the cards, the HUD, the top of the table, and the menu all fit really nice.
  • Some sort of attack indicator would be nice, on both the attack turn and the defense turn. I do think having little popouts would be cool, but even pulsing arrows on the board or HUD would be nice.

I’ll be back with more comments either pre-GMTK or post-GMTK, whenever I have the time to think about this more.

(1 edit) (+2)

Music is awesome and reminds me of sonic casino levels. Great casino vibes.

Art is awesome (even if you say it isn't done XD) The gameplay is very in depth and you learn a lot after losing or making mistakes a ton

-#BigNitpick: during the freeze phase, when the player doesn't freeze any cards the text still says "freeze" on the poker chip. Maybe it could say something else like "keep" if no cards are chosen to freeze.

- In terms of layout of the cards, my eyes still get confused over where cards line up with each other and I often times have to look at the top overlay to make sure i'm lining up the cards properly

- After players on each side have frozen a card or two the game feels like it mostly becomes a waiting game until either player gets unlucky with having three sets of cards that will help the other player. I noticed this in rounds where both players understand the mechanics of the game more